If we didn't have projects to work on, it's pretty clear what we'd be doing. We'd be doing nothing. Not a thing.

The thought of being projectless—it's terrifying. Forget we ever mentioned the idea of a world without projects. Here, take a look at a few of these examples from our card catalog to help remind you that great projects indeed still exist out there.

It's going to be okay.
The Type Foundry
     Marshall, CC

     The Type Foundry, Digital Typefaces from Active Depth
         / by CC Marshall
     https://ActiveDepth.com/typefoundry.php : World Wide Web,
             c. 2008
         7 p. : ill. ; TTF

     One of our primary ventures consists of exploring the creation of unique and usable typefaces. We've designed a variety of fonts which are for purchase and download.

     ISPN 0-1-2000-0003-9

     1. Typography--Typefaces. I. Depth, Active, 2000-. II. Marshall, CC (Cole C.), 20 C-. III. Title.
The Gallery
     Marshall, CC

     The Gallery, Digital Art from Active Depth / by CC Marshall
     https://ActiveDepth.com/gallery.php : World Wide Web,
             c. 2003
         111 p. : ill. (color) ; 16:10, 16:9, 5:4, 4:3

     The digital medium offers tools with the kind of control that can be offered in no other medium. The ease with which the images are generated and modified make the tools ideal to work with. It's the closest thing to perfection, which is a major reason why the images are so attractive. The Gallery features mostly abstract and environment images, rendered in standard screen resolutions, which are perfect for use as desktop backgrounds.

     ISPN 0-1-2000-0002-9

     1. Digital Art--Abstract. 3. Digital Art--Environments. 2. Digital Art--Miscellaneous. I. Depth, Active, 2000-. II. Marshall, CC (Cole C.), 20 C-. III. Title.
The Central Outpost
     Depth, Active

     The Central Outpost, The Headquarters for Gaming Clans
         / by Active Depth and community volunteers
     https://CentralOutpost.com/ : World Wide Web, c. 2000
         inf. p. : ill. (color) ;

     Our most popular project is this community web site for online gaming groups. Launched just months after we began working professionally in the media industry, the Central Outpost quickly gathered a dedicated user base. With a lot of work, the site has been active for over two decades and has supported more than 5,000 gaming clans and hundreds of thousands of users. We crafted everything from the graphic design to the front-end development and even the custom content management system that provides the backbone of the site. Funding for the site's development was achieved through donations from the site's users.

     ISPN 0-1-2000-0001-9

     1. Gaming--Clans--Online. 2. Community. 3. Reference. 4. Listing. 5. Web site. I. Depth, Active, 2000-. II. Volunteers, community. III. Title.
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